PAL2 Study
Peer Alternatives for Addiction 2 Study
A Research Study to Generate a Deep Understanding of the Benefits of Mutual-Help Groups for Recovery

What Will the Study Achieve?
- Provide a deep understanding of when, for whom, and why mutual-help group participation is helpful.
- Shed light on effective mutual-help group alternatives.
- Help doctors and other clinicians make informed referrals to mutual-help alternatives, and alert courts and policymakers to effective resources in addiction treatment.
- Help individuals to make the best choice possible among the range of effective peer support options.

“The PAL2 study represents the largest and most comprehensive study of mutual-help groups to date; it will greatly expand understanding of the benefits of this vital recovery support.”

All survey data have been collected.
PAL2 is no longer recruiting new participants.
If you would like to be informed about the study results, please contact the study Principal Investigator, Dr. Sarah Zemore, at