Frequently Asked Questions
Who's sponsoring and conducting this study?
This study was funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism within the National Institutes of Health. It is being conducted by the Public Health Institute, or PHI, which is a socially-conscious, nonprofit organization specializing in health research and policy action. PHI is dedicated to promoting health, well-being, and quality of life for people in communities across the country and around the world. Their headquarters are in Oakland, California, just outside San Francisco. Their website is www.phi.org. ICF, a health research company, is managing survey collection and contacts participants on behalf of the study.
How will the data be used?
Information from this survey will be used to shed light on mutual-help group alternatives for addiction including 12-step groups, Women for Sobriety (WFS), LifeRing, and SMART Recovery. The survey will provide a deeper understanding of when, for whom, and why mutual-help group participation is helpful. Results will help individuals to make the best choices possible among the range of effective peer support options, and will assist doctors and other clinicians in making informed referrals. Results will also alert courts and policymakers regarding effective resources in addiction treatment.
Where can I get more information?
Project-related information can be obtained from the Principal Investigator at the Alcohol Research Group, Dr. Sarah Zemore (email szemore@arg.org).
Information about confidentiality and protection of human subjects can be obtained from the Institutional Review Board at the Public Health Institute. Contact Mr. Robert McLaughlin (call 510-285-5500 or email Robert.McLaughlin@phi.org) or contact the study’s Principal Investigator, Dr. Sarah Zemore, at szemore@arg.org.

All survey data have been collected.
PAL2 is no longer recruiting new participants.
If you would like to be informed about the study results, please contact the study Principal Investigator, Dr. Sarah Zemore, at szemore@arg.org.